Сrosswalk and people with umbrellas, top view Tags: china crossing crosswalk crowd group pedestrian people rain road shanghai street umbrella urban Editors choice for collections: iPhone Wallpapers Y Yiran Ding | 1 image Download 2.90K viewsLike it? 6Say thanks Crediting isn’t required, but is appreciated and allows photographers to gain exposure. Copy the text below.Photo by Yiran Ding on Pixeor.com CopyAdvertising Related Images PPhil Male 1.02K 3 TTobias Bjørkli 1.09K 2 TTyler Tornberg 1.34K 0 JJohannes Rapprich 1.04K 2 AAlex Qian 1.61K 0 AArthur Ogleznev 823 2 CCharry Jin 2.51K 4 CCharry Jin 988 1 JJoshua Teichroew 1.07K 4 BBenjamin Cruz 850 1 JJohann 885 1 EEzekixl Akinnewu 1.21K 4 MMudassir Ali 950 2 RRoss 1.11K 1 GGodisable Jacob 807 3