A bird’s eye view of an ocean and shore Tags: above aerial aphrodite attraction bay beach beautiful beauty bird bird eye birds cliff cloud coast coastline coral crushing cultural destination eye famous geology goddess golden holiday island landmark landscape nature Ocean outdoors panoramic paradise popular reef rock sea seaside shore shoreline sightseeing Sky south stack steep summer sun sunny sunset tourism tourist travel vacation view water wave wilderness C Carles Rabada | 10 images Download 2.48K viewsLike it? 14Say thanks Crediting isn’t required, but is appreciated and allows photographers to gain exposure. Copy the text below.Photo by Carles Rabada on Pixeor.com CopyAdvertising Related Images VVincent Gerbouin 870 2 BBrett Sayles 883 2 BBurak K 2.69K 4 JJohannes Rapprich 1.08K 4 BBernardo Brandolin 1.11K 1 EElina Sazonova 884 2 sstein egil liland 848 2 TToa Heftiba Şinca 1.05K 1 KKelsey Johnson 1.08K 3 AAmine M'Siouri 861 2 RRyan Fox 1.02K 3 LLuis Quintero 930 2 MMarlon Martinez 919 3 MMarlon Martinez 1.02K 1 LLi Sun 832 3