A person holding a white feather in a selective focus photography Tags: blurred background bokeh close-up colors dark feather fingers hand little ring L Lisa Fotios | 34 images Download 1.64K viewsLike it? 3Say thanks Crediting isn’t required, but is appreciated and allows photographers to gain exposure. Copy the text below.Photo by Lisa Fotios on Pixeor.com CopyAdvertising Related Images EElijah O'Donnell 888 3 ffeliperizo.co | heart made 970 1 BBennie Lukas Bester 1.13K 4 AArun Thomas 1.01K 3 AAndre Furtado 990 3 RRodolfo Clix 1.54K 2 AAdrianna Calvo 989 3 MMatthis Volquardsen 913 1 XXain Sheikh 955 2 eeberhard grossgasteiger 984 1 AAlan Cabello 866 3 DDương Nhân 839 1 AAdrianna Calvo 856 2 DDaria Obymaha 1.04K 2 LLaila Klinsmann 883 4