A sitting woman wearing a red sweater and purple pants Tags: beautiful beauty casual fashion frames green leaf interior leaf model person photo frames pretty purple red style ukraine wear woman G Godisable Jacob | 14 images Download 813 viewsLike it? 1Say thanks Crediting isn’t required, but is appreciated and allows photographers to gain exposure. Copy the text below.Photo by Godisable Jacob on Pixeor.com CopyAdvertising Related Images CC. Cagnin 1.36K 2 DDuophenom 860 3 rrawpixel.com 1.09K 2 MMin An 972 2 DDazzle Jam 978 1 LLucas Pezeta 777 2 CChristina Morillo 1.06K 4 HHan Lahandoe 987 1 nnappy 813 4 MMartin Péchy 1.24K 1 AAleksandr Neplokhov 1.48K 3 JJopwell x PGA 1.03K 3 LLuis Quintero 791 3 BBestbe Models 869 1 KKyle Collins 1.14K 2