A white and brown dock during cloudy day Tags: bridge clouds cloudy cloudy sky cloudy weather dock gray sky harbor jetty Ocean sea seashore snowing sunset transportation system water O Oleg Magni | 5 images Download 792 viewsLike it? 3Say thanks Crediting isn’t required, but is appreciated and allows photographers to gain exposure. Copy the text below.Photo by Oleg Magni on Pixeor.com CopyAdvertising Related Images FFrancesco Ungaro 955 1 OOrest Sv 904 0 sstein egil liland 848 2 TTom and Sini 1.01K 2 DDaniel Frese 1.11K 3 GGantas Vaičiulėnas 924 0 AAdrian Cuj 951 5 SSebastian Palomino 954 1 MMatthis Volquardsen 949 0 JJosh Sorenson 954 2 TThe Lazy Artist Gallery 871 1 AAndrew Haimerl 1.12K 1 TTodd Trapani 867 2 KKirill Pershin 886 2 MMark Neal 916 2