A woman wearing a black leather zip-up jacket Tags: adult black leather jacket brick wall casual daylight eyeglasses eyewear facial expression fashion hairstyle leather leather jacket looking model necklace outfit person portrait serious street wear young young woman T Tina Bowie | 1 image Download 922 viewsLike it? 3Say thanks Crediting isn’t required, but is appreciated and allows photographers to gain exposure. Copy the text below.Photo by Tina Bowie on Pixeor.com CopyAdvertising Related Images MMarlon Martinez 886 2 AArtem Beliaikin 887 6 AAbdallah Maqboul 907 4 ffotografierende 899 3 YYiran Ding 2.89K 6 YYogendra Singh 1.07K 1 CCole Keister 814 1 PPascal Lottenbach 989 1 AAleksandar Pasaric 862 2 LLuis Quintero 826 4 PPhilip Boakye 768 2 JJessica Nunes 854 3 VVitor Lima 1.54K 1 AArtem 1.39K 4 KKristina Paukshtite 1.24K 3