A woman wearing floral shirt grayscale portrait Tags: adolescent beautiful black and white brazilian close-up cute eyes facial expression fashion girl hair happiness lips model person photoshoot portrait pose pretty style wear woman young young woman E Elias de Carvalho | 1 image Download 932 viewsLike it? 2Say thanks Crediting isn’t required, but is appreciated and allows photographers to gain exposure. Copy the text below.Photo by Elias de Carvalho on Pixeor.com CopyAdvertising Related Images GGantas Vaičiulėnas 924 0 SScott Webb 1.27K 3 BBrayden Law 888 4 EElina Sazonova 882 2 GGodisable Jacob 881 2 PPhotoMIX Ltd. 931 2 SSuliman Sallehi 912 2 VVitor Gusmão Shimabukuro 1.17K 2 PPixabay 840 1 IIago Santana 1.01K 1 EEugene Chystiakov 910 2 ZZack Jarosz 1.07K 3 LLukáš Dlutko 1.10K 2 TThgusstavo Santana 895 1 AAlex Powell 975 5