A woman wearing white limsolls Tags: blue fashion footwear legs pavement sneakers stripes wear white woman D Daria Shevtsova | 13 images Download 845 viewsLike it? 0Say thanks Crediting isn’t required, but is appreciated and allows photographers to gain exposure. Copy the text below.Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Pixeor.com CopyAdvertising Related Images DDjordje Petrovic 1.11K 2 LLina Kivaka 1.56K 0 TThomas Chauke 840 2 mmentatdgt 812 3 OOgo 1.04K 1 BBestbe Models 1.06K 1 CCriativithy 890 2 LLe Ngoc Tan 1.15K 4 LLisa Fotios 977 2 EEdward Eyer 829 2 MMin An 1.80K 2 GGustavo Linhares 772 2 AArun Thomas 1.01K 3 MMobola Odukoya 905 3 DDaniel Xavier 908 1