Grayscale photography of a man skateboarding on a ramp Tags: action balance black and white cap daylight fashion hobby jump man model motion park performance person ramp shadow skate park skateboard skateboarder skateboarding skater skill sport tricks wear T Tim Mossholder | 7 images Download 1.22K viewsLike it? 2Say thanks Crediting isn’t required, but is appreciated and allows photographers to gain exposure. Copy the text below.Photo by Tim Mossholder on CopyAdvertising Related Images CChristina Morillo 859 0 973 3 LLina Kivaka 866 2 OOleg Magni 829 3 EEVG photos 823 2 YYoss Cinematic 859 2 nnappy 951 3 mmustafa youssoufi 866 2 LLisa Fotios 1.40K 2 YYogendra Singh 1.07K 1 JJuan Pablo Arenas 776 2 OOgo 1.04K 1 tthe happiest face =) 866 3 EElina Sazonova 885 1 CCharry Jin 2.29K 3