Smiling woman petting white dog Tags: animal canine dog emotions happy person pet smile woman young young woman Y YURI MANEI | 1 image Download 926 viewsLike it? 3Say thanks Crediting isn’t required, but is appreciated and allows photographers to gain exposure. Copy the text below.Photo by YURI MANEI on CopyAdvertising Related Images JJuliano Ferreira 935 1 CC. Cagnin 872 2 GGodisable Jacob 971 3 EEugene Chystiakov 910 2 JJuan Pablo Arenas 776 2 MMartin Péchy 1.24K 1 CChristina Morillo 1.06K 4 AAnderson Miranda 893 1 LLeonid Danilov 955 3 nnappy 948 2 NNachelle Nocom 816 4 DDàm Tướng Quân 833 3 MMatheus Ferrero 1K 0 DDzenina Lukac 903 2 wwendel moretti 1.06K 4