Top view of a bottle filled with a green cocktail on a wood board Tags: beverage close-up color delicious diet drink eating healthy food fresh from above fruit green green cocktail healthy juicy nutrition organic smoothie straw summer vegetable vegetables A Alisha Mishra | 4 images Download 918 viewsLike it? 3Say thanks Crediting isn’t required, but is appreciated and allows photographers to gain exposure. Copy the text below.Photo by Alisha Mishra on CopyAdvertising Related Images LLisa Fotios 936 2 CCarles Rabada 2.59K 18 LLisa Fotios 845 0 MMadison Inouye 843 3 1.09K 2 MMin An 1.06K 2 EElias de Carvalho 932 2 AAlberto Stragapede 1.30K 3 DDaniel Xavier 908 1 NNastyaSensei 1.10K 1 AAndreea Ch 1.32K 1 CCarles Rabada 2.58K 11 SStudio 7042 1.16K 6 KKevin Kobal 847 2 ZZun Zun 996 2